17th-23rd September

Another patchy week. Some work on Chapter 1, some work on illos for the website, some looking at different software solutions, some navel-gazing. [This status note worked up from my non-electronic diary.]

10th-16th September

Patchy this week. Wrote to Nigel L. at Adel Pub. on Monday. For the rest of the week I seem to have been spending more time thinking about the website (this Elinsstory.com). [This status note worked up from my non-electronic diary.]

10th-16th September

Working on the first half of Chapter 1 of The Long Way to London. [From my handwritten diary.]

7th-9th September

Working on the outline for The Long Way to London and the as yet unnamed Part 2 which takes the story from September 1565 to May/June 1566. [This status note worked up from my non-electronic diary.]

6th September

Various developments. (See Elin’s Developments – blog entry At the Quill) [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

13th-31st August

On holiday! Changes in the offing. More in September. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

12th August

Away from the computer all day. Wrote about 50 words (with a pen on paper) but nothing that affected the progress bar. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

11th August

579 words written. Some added to progress bar. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

10th August

Wrote 1131 words, most of which went into the progress bar. The servant problem and what happened on Sundays. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

9th August

Wrote 895 words. Added and edited various scenes. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]