14th June

Wrote 385 words – polishing and adding to bedchamber scene with Helena, Meg and Nell. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

13th June

Reviewed the points I wanted to get into Part 1, identified the bits that I haven’t yet dealt with. Wrote 1033 words – continuation of bedchamber scene with Helena, Meg and Nell. Constructed this page for my website. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

12th June

Wrote 629 words – Walter’s conversation with his men. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

11th June

Finished reviewing the revised You Write On version. Reinserted two passages I had edited out to bring the extract under 7000 words. Printed out the extract (26 pages) and posted it to my mother as promised. Where to go next? Walter needs attention. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

10th June

Reviewed the revised YouWriteOn version. [This status update originally published at thesupercargo.com]

9th June

Uploaded revised version of the first 7000 words of Elin’s Story to the You Write On site for peer review and scoring. To read this extract follow the link below and click on ‘I want to read sample chapters from this book.’ NB: Unless you are signed up with YouWriteOn you won’t be able to […]